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I totally agree that the young are especially vulnerable to predators because, in some cases, they simply do not know how to distinguish between a real HP/HPs and someone posing as one.
"Our community is fragmented at times. Young people aren't always taken seriously when they are new to this path. They don't have a lot of guidance. These people prey on that. They see the naive and inexperienced...they see the young people with their teenage angst and they try to offer themselves as mentors and counsellors. They throw around words like "old path", "coven", "high priest", etc.. in such a way that whatever they say sounds completely natural. So the young and innocent seeker who may have been initially put off by the idea of naked rituals suddenly decides (with encouragement) that being naked is beautiful because he or she is able to represent divinity. A young person with low self-esteem and little guidance will definitely find that idea attractive.
"Well, you don't HAVE to do it naked, if you really don't want to..."
They say it in such a way that makes you feel completely ignorant and stupid. Manipulation. They're very good at it. But the more info is out there, the better informed young people will be and hopefully, they will come to realize they are being manipulated.
As a Pagan Club "leader" sort of figure, I have been approached by young people looking for guidance. I do what I can to point them in the right direction. I know it can be difficult to find some help on this path and I am happy to direct them to reputable resources within the community. But that's the kind of thing young people need. They need to know about the dangers of predators as well as what is available to them.
Love and Light,
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