Canadian Pagan Peers Network
How do I Volunteer to be a List Moderator?
The first thing you need to find out is if there is a Local List in your area. You can find this out by going HERE and looking at the list. Once you know if there is a Local List Moderator then follow either of the following steps.
- I want you to consider the following carefully. "Do I want to have my information posted on the list and made available to strangers?" The reason I am asking you to think this through is simple. We want to ensure you realise that your information will be distributed to strangers for the Purpose of the Pagan Peers.
- If there is a Local List Moderator then consider the following. Is the area big enough to have different lists? Some cities like Montreal and Toronto can easily have multiple lists for example Montreal could easily have one for the South Shore, West Island, Laval etc. If not then maybe you might want to consider offering to help them in any way you can. Most List Moderators will appreciate a helping hand with different aspects of their job.
- If there are no List Moderators for your City, Town, County etc. please send me an e-mail with the following information.
- City, Town, County & Province you live in:
- Area you wish to Moderate)
- Name and/or Craft Name:
- You Contact Info: (Usually E-Mail Address)
- Your age group: (ie. 20-30)
- Which Path you Follow (If Any)
- Basic Intro/Bio about yourself:
- Why do you wish to Moderate for Pagan Peer Group and what experience do you have that can be an asset?
AKA Pagan Owl.
I invite you now to have a look at the following links to learn more about the Pagan Peers and Moderators.
Canadian Pagan Peers Network Question & Answers.

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© Canadian Pagan Peer Network (CPPN) 2000-2009