These are the Sources where some of the Pics, Graphics and Information comes from. If you have other information you would like to add to this page please send me their links at and I will have a look at the page.


Journey Information
El Merko Loco BackGrounds
Pagan Focus Graphics
Heather and Warren’s Gifs and Links for Web TV Graphics and More.
DragonLee Graphics
The Goddess Art of JONATHON EARL BOWSER Paintings

Click on pic to go to NAWA's Page


I wish also to thank Rob for giving me the information he received from The Native Brotherhood.

I wish also to thank Mario B. for all the information he provided me which I am starting to add to this page.

I wish to thank all my friends for their words of encouragement and support when I am going through some rough times.

If you heard this line before... "May I use the following on my web page?" then your name should be mentioned in here. Due to time I cannot update this all the time so I added a note to many items which people sent me stating who sent it. Please accept my Thank You's also for all this info.

And Last but not Least I would like to thank YOU for visiting my site & giving up some time to visit my page.

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