Vanir Family Tree
Njordr (Old Norse Njörðr) is one of the Vanir and the god of wind, fertile land along the seacoast, as well as seamanship, sailing and fishing. The prose Edda says he has the power to calm the sea or fire.
His wife was, according to the Heimskringla, his own sister and lover. Apparently the Vanir, unlike the Æsir, had the custom of consanguineous marriage.
Vanaheimr is the home of the Vanir.
I am just starting on this (Nov. 26,2006) so if you have more to add please let me know.
Niord (the father of the gods of Vanir)
Mother: Giantess Skaði (Snow?) Skaði is a mountain giantess, She is also called öndurgoð and öndurdís, "Ski Goddess". She was venerated as a goddess of the hunt, and rivalled the goddesses Frigg and Freyja in terms of significance and popularity; however, she seems to have faded into the background during the progression of Scandinavian beliefs, and little of her survives in lore or artefact.
- Freyr, the god of fertility. He was one of the most important deities in Norse mythology. Worshipped as a phallic fertility god. Freyr "bestows peace and pleasure on mortals". He rules over the rain, the shining of the sun and the produce of the fields.
- Consort: Giantess Gerd - She is the most beautiful of all creatures and may have been a personification of soil fertility and sex. Her brilliant, naked arms illuminated air and sea. AKA Gärd, Gerdhr, Gerda or Gerdur (Old Norse Gerðr)
- Freyja , Goddess of love, sexuality, fertility and battle. Some sources suggest that she was called on to bring fruitfulness to fields or wombs, she was a goddess of love, beauty, sex, and attraction. She was also the goddess of war, death, magic, prophecies, and wealth. Correspondingly, Freyja was one of the most popular goddesses. AKA Frowa, Mardöll, Hörn, Gefn, Sýr
- Consort: Óðr
- Daughter: Hnoss - She is so beautiful that those things which are fair and precious are called hnossir.
Nerthus, Germanic fertility goddess. She may have been the sister of Njord and the mother of his children, Freyr and Freyja.
- Frey
- Mother: giantess Gerðr
- Mother: Vana of Vanaheimr
Delling - God of twilight (Dawn)
Consort: Giantess Nótt - Goddess of night, daughter of Narvi.
- Dagr - God of Day - AKA Dag (Scandinavian), Dagur (Icelandic). Dagr, the Bright and the Fair, drove across the sky in a chariot every day, pulled by a horse named Skinfaxi. Skinfaxi's mane lights up the earth and sky. Nótt's equivalent horse, Hrimfaxi, lights up the night.
- Jord AKA Fjorgin - She is the Earth Goddess sometimes Anglicized Jord) and the personification of the Earth.
- Consort: Thor the Thunderer AKA Asathor.
Stepfather of:
Mundilfari (or Mundilfäri)
Consort: Glaur
- Sol (goddess of the Sun). Every day, Sol rode through the sky on her chariot, pulled by two horses named Arvak and Alsvid. She was chased during the day by Skoll, a wolf that wanted to devour her. Solar eclipses signified that Skoll had almost caught up to her. It is fated that Skoll will eventually catch Sol and eat her, though she would then be replaced by her daughter. The earth was protected from the full heat of the sun by Svalin, who stood between the earth and Sol. In Norse belief, the sun did not give light; this was caused by the manes of Alsvid and Arvak. AKA Sunna, Sunne, and also Frau Sunne, which is a derivation of the words sun and Sunday. The sun itself was called Alfrodull, meaning "glory of elves".
- Mani (god of the Moon). Máni pulled the moon through the sky every night, pursued by the wolf Hati.
Mímir (Mime) - Óðinn´s uncle. primal god of Norse mythology who was renowned for his knowledge and wisdom. Mímir was also Hœnir's chief advisor after he became a ruler of the Vanir.Parents Special
- Kvasir is a god of Norse mythology. He was created from the saliva of all the gods, making him the wisest of the Vanir, but was quickly murdered by Fjalar and Galar, two dwarven brothers, in their cavern.

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