Jötnar Family Tree
AKA Giants
I was debating adding the Jötnar Tree to this list then I realized it might be of significance to those researching. Just like all the other family trees in Norse Mythology it does get a bit confusing.
This is a primeval races associated with chaos and the wild nature, and they are frequently in conflict with the gods.
I am just starting on this (Nov. 26,2006) so if you have more to add please let me know.
Giant Hymir
Mother: UnknownÞjazi (anglicized as Thjazi or Thiazi)
Mother: Giantess Skaði (Snow?) Skaði is a mountain giantess, She is also called öndurgoð and öndurdís, "Ski Goddess". She was venerated as a goddess of the hunt, and rivalled the goddesses Frigg and Freyja in terms of significance and popularity; however, she seems to have faded into the background during the progression of Scandinavian beliefs, and little of her survives in lore or artefact.
- Niord (the father of the gods of Vanir)
Giants Fárbauti
Mother: Giantess Laufey
- Loki, Trickster and god of mischief and fire. Was he a God (or was he a Giant. The debate continues.) Loki Laufeyjarson is the mythical being of mischief in Norse mythology. Loki bears many names : the Sly-One, the Sly-God, the Shape-Changer, the Trickster, the Sky Traveller, the Sky Walker, the Lie-Smith and Loftur among others. There are many things written about Loki. He is definately a balance for the Gods/Goddesses.
- Consort: Giantess Angrboða AKA Gýgr.
- Hel (Hellia) - Queen of Hel, the Norse underworld and she lives in Eliudnir. Odin gave her authority over all those in the nine worlds who do not die gloriously in battle but of sickness or of old age. Her hall is called Sleet-Cold. Hel builds the ship Naglfar from the nail clippings of the dead, to be used against the Æsir at Ragnarök. The path to Hel is known as the Helvegr and the gates Helgrindr or Nágrind ("Corpse Gate"). Here Garmr is fastened, Hel's watchdog, who is bloody both on chest and neck.
- Consort: Swedish king Dyggvi who died a natural death.
- Fenrisulfr
- Jörmungandr - The sea serpent.
- Mother: Goddess Sigyn AKA Saeter - When Loki was bound to three rocks for the murder of Baldr, Sigyn did not abandon him. Instead, she collected the poison that dripped down from the snake above him in a bowl. When the bowl was full, Sigyn left to empty it and the poison dripped into Loki's eyes.
- Vali. (this Vali is not to be confused with Odin's son with the giantess Rind). To punish Loki for his part in Baldur's death the gods turned Vali into a rabid wolf who proceeded to tear Narfi's throat out. Narfi' entrails were used to bind Loki until Ragnarok.
- Narfi AKA Narvi or Nari. He was killed to punish Loki for his crimes.
- Giantess Nótt - Goddess of night, daughter of Narvi
- Consort 1: Giant Naglfari.
- Consort 2: Giant Annar.
- Jord AKA Fjorgin - She is the Earth Goddess sometimes Anglicized Jord) and the personification of the Earth.
- Consort: Odin:
- Thor the Thunderer AKA Asathor
- Consort 3: Delling, Vanir - God of twilight (Dawn).
- Dagr - God of Day - AKA Dag (Scandinavian), Dagur (Icelandic). Dagr, the Bright and the Fair, drove across the sky in a chariot every day, pulled by a horse named Skinfaxi. Skinfaxi's mane lights up the earth and sky. Nótt's equivalent horse, Hrimfaxi, lights up the night.
- While he was in the form of a mare Loki also gave birth to Sleipnir, the eight-legged steed of Odin.
Giantess Grid
Father: OdinGiant Gymir
Consort: Giantesse Aurboða
- Giantess Gerd - She is the most beautiful of all creatures and may have been a personification of soil fertility and sex. Her brilliant, naked arms illuminated air and sea.
- Consort: Freyr, Vanir God of fertility,
- Beli - Leader of the Barking Giants.
Giantess Gerðr
Father: Frey (Vanir)Giant Fornjót, Fornjótr (Old Norse). He is an ancient giant in Norse mythology.
Consort: Giantesse Unknown
- Giant Ægir - Ruler of the sea. He is the king of the sea in Norse mythology. He seems to be a personification of the power of the ocean. He was also known for hosting elaborate parties for the gods. his hall is a place of sanctuary. It is lit with bright gold, where the beer pours itself. Ægir is said to have had nine daughters. They were called the billow maidens.
- Consort: Rán - Sea Goddess who collects the drowned in a net.
- Bára or Dröfn, billow maidens, Foam-Fleck.
- Blóðughadda, billow maidens, Bloody-Hair.
- Bylgja, billow maidens, Billow.
- Dúfa, billow maidens, The Pitching One.
- Hefring, billow maidens, Riser.
- Himinglæva, billow maidens, That through which one can see the heaven.
- Hrönn, billow maidens, Welling Wave.
- Kólga, billow maidens Poetical term for Wave. "The Cool One".
- Unnr or Uðr, billow maidens, Frothing Wave.
- Fornjótr, a giant and a king of Finland.
- Giant Logi "fire, flame"
- Kári "wind"
Unknown Parents
- Elli - Personification of old age.

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