The Travel Room

You enter a room that is definitely not tidy. Besides the desk is a world globe.

There is my backpack leaning against a wall. Beside it is my staff, Coolers, Pots and Pans and other camping equipment I will require.

On the walls are maps of different areas including one of Canada and the United States. These maps have red marking pins on them with dates. These you notice are to mark places of Fests and dates they will occur. On the ledge of these maps are more blank pins to be added to the maps.

On the wall there is also one of my favorites pics which was sent to me.

On a table are files I am keeping with registration forms and event reports from others and me. This way I can keep track of where I have been and what it was like.

Soon I will have an archive of my impressions of the fests I have attended.

NameDate & Location
Ottawa Pagan/Wiccan Brunch
Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month
Living On Earth Fest April. Earth Day
Midgard May. The long weekend
Wic-Can Fest June. Just north of Toronto near Orangeville
Kaleidoscope August
Moving again
Harvest Fest October
Just north of Toronto near Orangeville

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