Sunday Brunch

What is Pagan Brunch? Well every first and third Sunday of every month (between 11am and 1pm average) we (Pagans/ Wiccans/ Heathens etc) gather at a restaurant in Ottawa Ont. Canada to socialize, meet new friend and renew aquaintances with old ones.

We discuss everything from Religion, News and anything else people wish to talk about. Some of these discussions are big and catches everybody interest while others may occur 1 on 1.

Overall I love the Brunch because I have met so many good friends attending them.

Brunch is now held at Uncle Louie's on the corner of Ogylvie and Cyrville. This is a 5 minute walk from St-Laurent Shopping Center.

If you wish more information on these Brunches contact Marie (Danica) at or myself at or join us.

Keep in touch on OPPG for more information.

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