Breaking Free From Unknown Past

by Pagan Owl, August 25th 2006
Preparation :

For this you will need...


Casting the Circle:

Calling the Quarters:

There are many ways to call in the Quarters and other people do not find this necessary. I personally prefer to call in animal guides that can lend their energy to the ritual.

Calling in Deity:

At this point you may or may not as you wish call in deity.

Main Ritual:

Let the person fight it out until they are ready then a LBRP can now be performed if there is a wish to remove any negativity still left.

Thanking Deity:

At this point you may or may not wish to thank the deity you called in.

Thanking the Totems:

There are many ways to call in the Quarters and other people do not find this necessary. I personally prefer to call in animal guides that can lend their energy to the ritual.

Closing the Circle: