Gods & Goddess Page

The Romans like the Greeks don't have Gods but Generations of them. As a matter of fact many were adopted or copied from the Greeks.

For this reason I have also broken down the Roman Gods into more than 1 page. To go to their Semi Important Gods click Here. The name between the ( ) are the Greek Equivalent to these Roman Gods.

These Links will be marked by ** and you will have to hit BACK to return to this page.

The Information between the " " as been partially copied from a source. Please visit that source for the full article.

Here are some interesting pages I found on Roman Gods.

  • Roman Pantheon, Mythography **

    If you know where some of this info is found e-mail me at PaganOwl1967@Yahoo.com

  • Pantheon

    God Goddess NameCivilizationSexe Represents
    Apollo (Apollo) god Roman Male Pantheon: Arts (esp. poetry and music)
    Bacchus (Dionysos) god Roman Male Pantheon: Wine and mysteries
    Cares (Demeter) god Roman Female Pantheon: Agriculture and fertility
    Diana (Artemis) god Roman Female Pantheon: Hunt and protector of children
    Juno (Hera) god Roman Female Pantheon: Marriage; consort of Jupiter
    Jupiter (Zeus) god Roman Male Pantheon: Sky; ruler of the Roman pantheon
    Mars (Ares) god Roman Male Pantheon: War
    Mercury (Hermes) god Roman Male Pantheon: Merchants; messenger of the gods
    Minerva (Athena) god Roman Female Pantheon: Wisdom, war, and crafts
    Neptune (Poseidon) god Roman Male Pantheon: Sea and earthquakes
    Venus (Aphrodite) god Roman Female Pantheon: Love and beauty
    Vulcan (Hephaistos) god Roman Male Pantheon: Smiths and metal-workers


    "This page lists a portion of the Etruscan pantheon of deities. And while the names of these gods and goddesses may be unfamiliar they represent the Etruscan version of the Greek Olympians.

    It was via the Etruscans that the Romans came into contact with the Greek gods, and so these enigmatic people deserve due mention in a discussion of Roman myth and religion."

    God Goddess NameCivilizationSexe Represents
    Apulu (Apollo) God Etruscan Male Arts, archery, and divination
    Artames (Diana) God Etruscan Female Hunt
    Fufluns (Bacchus) God Etruscan Male Wine and fertility
    Menarva (Minerva) God Etruscan Female Wisdom, war, and crafts
    Tinia (Jupiter) God Etruscan Male Sky; ruler of the Etruscan pantheon
    Turan (Venus) God Etruscan Female Love and beauty
    Turms (Mercury) God Etruscan Male Merchants
    Uni (Juno) God Etruscan Female Marriage

    Foreign Gods Adopted by Romans

    "As the Roman Empire spread to embrace territories outside of Italy, the Romans came into increasing contact with foreign ideas, philosophies, and especially religions. Indeed, later Roman religion is saturated with foreign influences, from the Greek gods of Olympus, to the following deities. Included are examples from the mysterious and intriguing east, as well as from Egypt (which had evolved a venerable and sophisticated religious system). The rate at which new deities and cults were adopted by Romans is a testament to the cosmopolitanism of the sprawling Roman Empire."

    God Goddess NameCivilizationSexe Represents
    Attis Mortal Phrygia Male Partner of the goddess Cybele.
    Cybele God Phrygia Female Great mother
    Isis God Egyptian Female See her information on Egyptiian page.
    Mithras "lord of light" God Persia Male Soldiers and armies.
    Serapis God Multiple Male God associated with Isis.
    Sol Invictus "the unconquered sun" God Eastern Male Introduced by the emperor Elagabalus

    1. Apollo (Apollo) god Roman Male Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Arts (esp. poetry and music) Source

    2. Bacchus (Dionysos) god Roman Male Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Wine and mysteries Source

    3. Cares (Demeter) god Roman Female Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Agriculture and fertility Source

    4. Diana (Artemis) god Roman Female Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Hunt and protector of children. Was called Mother of Cats Source

    5. Juno (Hera) god Roman Female Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Marriage; consort of Jupiter Source

    6. Jupiter (Zeus) god Roman Male Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Sky; ruler of the Roman pantheon Source

    7. Mars (Ares) god Roman Male Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. War Source

    8. Mercury (Hermes) god Roman Male Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Merchants; messenger of the gods Source

    9. Minerva (Athena) god Roman Female Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Wisdom, war, and crafts Source

    10. Neptune (Poseidon) god Roman Male Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Sea and earthquakes Source

    11. Venus (Aphrodite) god Roman Female Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Love and beauty Source

    12. Vulcan (Hephaistos) god Roman Male Pantheon: The following deitie were inherited or borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans. The name between ( ) was their Greek Names. Smiths and metal-workers Source

    13. Apulu (Apollo) God Etruscan Male god of the arts (esp. poetry and music), archery, and divination < ahref="http://www.loggia.com/myth/etruscan.html">Source

    14. Artames (Diana) God Etruscan Female goddess of the hunt < ahref="http://www.loggia.com/myth/etruscan.html">Source

    15. Fufluns (Bacchus) God Etruscan Male god of wine and fertility < ahref="http://www.loggia.com/myth/etruscan.html">Source

    16. Menarva (Minerva) God Etruscan Female goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts < ahref="http://www.loggia.com/myth/etruscan.html">Source

    17. Tinia (Jupiter) God Etruscan Male god of the sky; ruler of the Etruscan pantheon < ahref="http://www.loggia.com/myth/etruscan.html">Source

    18. Turan (Venus) God Etruscan Female goddess of love and beauty < ahref="http://www.loggia.com/myth/etruscan.html">Source

    19. Turms (Mercury) God Etruscan Male god of merchants < ahref="http://www.loggia.com/myth/etruscan.html">Source

    20. Uni (Juno) God Etruscan Female goddess of marriage < ahref="http://www.loggia.com/myth/etruscan.html">Source

      Attis Mortal Phrygia Male Male partner of the goddess Cybele; although human, he is included here because his myth forms a significant part of the cult of Cybele Source

      Cybele God Phrygia Female Great mother Source

      Isis God Egyptian Female goddess whose cult became popular in the Roman Empire. See her information in the Egyptiian page. Source

      Mithras "lord of light" God Persia Male God of soldiers and armies. Source

      Serapis God Multiple Male god associated with the cult of Isis; his cult features Greek and Egyptian elements Source

      Sol Invictus "the unconquered sun" God Eastern Male Introduced to Rome by the emperor Elagabalus Source

    To go back to Gods and Goddesses page Click HERE